
Fox News Floats BS Story About Fleeing Marines Giving Rebels Their Guns

Adam Weinstein · 02/12/15 11:57AM

It's Benghazi redux: As they secured the U.S. embassy in Yemen, the final Marines to leave the country handed their weapons over to Iran-friendly Houthi rebels, on orders from some Obama administration bureaucrat. That's the right-wing blogosphere's story, anyway, even though the Marine Corps calls it bullshit.

2014: The Year in Dumb Conservative Memes

Adam Weinstein · 12/30/14 09:10AM

Since the time of Archimedes, human history has acknowledged six simple machines, basic tools designed to advance our lots. But in 2014, no tool proved simpler and more efficient in the production of sublimation, denial and self-sustaining garbage than our conservative media. Here were its highest achievements.

This Gretchen Carlson Word Salad Is The Ultimate Obama-Ebola Theory

Adam Weinstein · 10/07/14 09:11AM

"And now, for 'My Take™.' So: Should we trust the government to keep us all safe from Ebola?" With these words, Fox News head-on-a-stick Gretchen Carlson offered 56 seconds' worth of historic, Brobdingnagian "Take™," replete with Obamacare IRS Secret Service Benghazi, does she have to spell it out for you.

Uppity Doctor Is Having None of Hasselbeck's Ebola Border Lunacy

Adam Weinstein · 10/06/14 01:47PM

"Why not just shut down the flights and secure the borders?" Elisabeth Hasselbeck asks about Our Ebola Nightmare on Fox & Friends today. Unfortunately, she asks not a fellow anchor but Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institiute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the NIH.