Packers Fan Tries Repeatedly to Shoot Dog, Hits Jeep and House Instead

A Green Bay man with an AR-15 was arraigned on a felony charge in his Packers jersey after he tried to "defend his property" from a dog, missing it with eight close-range shots from the highly accurate rifle in broad daylight and instead peppering his neighbors' property with hot rounds.
The Green Bay Press Gazette reports that the 33-year-old now faces 12 or more years in prison:
When Nicholas Heyrman heard that a loose dog was acting aggressively in the neighborhood, he rushed his child into the house and got his AR-15 rifle to "defend his property," police say.
Heyrman then shot eight rounds at the animal from 32 feet away, missing it each time but hitting a house and a Jeep, according to police.
To his credit, after spraying and praying with the AR about 2 in the afternoon on Monday, Heyrman called his shots in to the police, who found him kneeling in the driveway, with the weapon secured in the house. "He told police he shot several times but was unsure whether he'd hit the dog," the Press Gazette reports:
Police noticed strike marks in the road from where bullets had ricocheted, a criminal complaint says. Police discovered eight cartridge shells and found a bullet lodged in the siding of a house. They also found dents and a bullet hole in a neighbor's Jeep, the complaint says.
The stray dog, incidentally, was fine.
Cops estimate Heyrman did about $2,500 in damage to the house and Jeep, which is about what he can expect to get for his AR-15 if it's really souped-up, and if he doesn't tell anyone how pathetically inaccurate his particular model is.