
Remember When a U.S. Terror Ally Massacred 1,000 People and We Shrugged?

Adam Weinstein · 05/13/15 12:39PM

Ten years ago today, in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, a mass of people gathered to protest arrests and violence by state police. Authorities shot at least 1,000 to death. The figures remain sketchy, in part because U.S. officials—led by Donald Rumsfeld—opposed an investigation of a valued partner in the war on terror.

Blackwater Is Still Getting Rich Screwing Up Our War on Afghan Drugs

Adam Weinstein · 03/31/15 03:06PM

The logo and the company name change, but business stays the same. The mercenary syndicate formerly known as Blackwater has raked in more than half a billion dollars from U.S. contracts to thoroughly fail at stemming the terrorist-supported trade in Afghan opium, according to a new government report.

Report: Taliban Captured an ISIS Leader That Bush Released From Gitmo

Adam Weinstein · 01/28/15 02:56PM

The Taliban, bane of America's post-9/11 Afghanistan operations, said Wednesday that they captured Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim, a renegade insurgent and ex-Guantanamo detainee who was in Afghanistan recruiting for the Islamic State, the latest parry in a messy internecine conflict between violent Islamist regimes.

Bowe Bergdahl Isn't Charged With Desertion, But He's Still Fucked

Adam Weinstein · 01/27/15 03:25PM

Bowe Bergdahl, the eccentric Army enlistee and final Afghanistan P.O.W. whose release from Taliban custody left detractors screaming for his corpse, may face desertion charges soon. Or maybe not. No one knows for certain just yet. But either way, these blogospheric anti-Bergdahl snuff-porn fantasies will be heard, dammit.

Afghan Police Training Base Melts, Makes Good Metaphor for Afghan War

Adam Weinstein · 01/15/15 11:02AM

Investigators this week called the military to task for paying Afghan contractors half a million dollars to construct a training base "made mostly of sand" that melted in the rain four months later, calling the now-demolished project "not only an embarrassment, but, more significantly, a waste of U.S. taxpayers' money."

Well-Paid Torture Apologist Has Wrongest Take Ever on Torture's Upside

Adam Weinstein · 12/15/14 05:06PM

Glistening war dome Eli Lake, late of Bloomberg Politics, just can't stand that hand-wringing Senate report about torture being bad and ineffective. So he turned it upside down and tried to read it all backwards-like, and it turns out torture is super good at helping Americans, maybe, possibly. That'll be $275,000, please!

Viral Hate Campaign Used a Photo of an Afghan Women's Rights Hero

Adam Weinstein · 09/22/14 12:19PM

The photo above depicts Malalai Kakar, a pioneering female police officer who aided "victims of domestic violence, rape, and forced marriage" before the Taliban murdered her in 2008. Her photographer was shocked to find conservatives using the image this month in a viral anti-Muslim campaign.

Adam Weinstein · 09/17/14 02:28PM

"Goodman, who lives in Winterport, said he joined the Army because he was 'tired of paying my school loans' and because he wanted to serve his country." There's something really endearing about this soccer coach who almost lost his legs after surviving an IED attack in Afghanistan.