Afghan Police Training Base Melts, Makes Good Metaphor for Afghan War
Adam Weinstein · 01/15/15 11:02AM
Investigators this week called the military to task for paying Afghan contractors half a million dollars to construct a training base "made mostly of sand" that melted in the rain four months later, calling the now-demolished project "not only an embarrassment, but, more significantly, a waste of U.S. taxpayers' money."
The Navy's Top Intel Official Is Banned From Seeing Classified Intel
Adam Weinstein · 11/03/14 02:07PM
The U.S. Navy has a three-star admiral in charge of all its intelligence-gathering and analysis efforts. But for a year, he has been barred by officials from viewing any secret intelligence, essentially making his job moot and leaving the service dead in the water when it comes to gathering critical information.
Abortions and Penis Fetishes: Is This the World's Worst Televangelist?
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 11:34AM
In the televangelism world, Ernest Angley used to be a big deal, up there with Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart. But the 93-year-old's Grace Cathedral seems quaint and a little creepy now. A new investigation says that might have to do with Angley's weird encroachments into his flock's sexual and reproductive lives.