
Rich White Guy Who Knows a Guy Plans to Run For President

Adam Weinstein · 12/16/14 11:25AM

Jeb Bush, the "smart" one, announced this morning in a tweet and a Facebook post that he is probably running for president in an election that's 693 days from now, and definitely forming a PAC through which you can give him money if you like the idea of him running for president.

ISIS-Linked Extremists Vow to Assassinate Twitter Employees

Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 04:59PM

Demonstrating all the alacrity of a scorned online fedora-enthusiast and all the civility of—well, of a murderous jihadi—a social media account connected to allies of the Islamic State has issued calls to kill Twitter employees for trying to stamp out radicals' accounts on the popular social service.

Let's Look at These Slavery-Inspired #EconomistBookReviews, Shall We?

Adam Weinstein · 09/04/14 06:31PM

So a Cornell historian wrote a book about how slavery, rather than God, the Marlboro Man or Vince Lombardi, fueled America's capitalist development. But did you ever consider how nice some slaveowners were, Mr. Historian? Your Economist book reviewer did, and now he's getting torched on Twitter.