
Evangelical Christians Are Super-Gullible About Muslims, Part MCMXVI

Adam Weinstein · 09/16/14 04:02PM

ISIS is bad. If you're a really devout evangelical, ISIS is really bad. If you're a really devout evangelical and believe everything you read, you may have thought a certain recent rumor about an ISIS higher-up was true. Viral debunker Hudson Hongo will now set you straight.

Who's Intercepting Your Phone Calls Around Military Bases?

Adam Weinstein · 09/03/14 05:08PM

I'll admit I know next to nothing about cell-phone intercept technology, but this post by Matthew Phelan over on Black Bag is pretty creepy. Which, by the way, if you're not reading him on a regular basis, consider starting.

If Putin Sends These Guys to Ukraine, It's Game Over

Adam Weinstein · 09/03/14 11:02AM

I can only assume the U.S. intelligence community has assets monitoring Russian dashboard camera uploads. How else are defense planners supposed to know about the new Spongebob threat? And let's not think about what happens if Ivan manages to stick a caterpillar drive on that autobus.