Rand Paul Will Gay-Marry a Drone If That's What You Really Want, America
Adam Weinstein · 04/27/15 09:30AMUpdate: Tom Cotton Is Not Real
Adam Weinstein · 04/13/15 10:39AM
Last week, we posed a question. This week, we have an answer: "Senator Tom Cotton," Republican of Arkansas, is in fact not a natural human organism, but a hybrid experiment in which the brain of German general Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff has been grafted onto the frame of a pugnacious giraffe.
Bush Officials Screwed Up FBI's Case Against Blackwater, Emails Show
Adam Weinstein · 04/13/15 09:19AM
Why did it take the federal government so long to prosecute the Blackwater contractors who shot up a Baghdad square in 2007, killing and maiming scores of Iraqis? Because investigators were trying to wait out the Bush administration, which wanted to go easy on the killers, recently unearthed documents show.
Is Tom Cotton Real?
Adam Weinstein · 04/08/15 11:50AMTom Friedman Is Just Sayin': Why Don't We Arm ISIS?
Adam Weinstein · 03/18/15 11:37AMAussie, 28, Is First Westerner Killed Fighting ISIS
Adam Weinstein · 02/27/15 12:53PMChristian Fighters Abandon Anti-ISIS Kurd Group Because It's Communist
Adam Weinstein · 02/27/15 12:43PM
It takes a special kind of person to leave home and join a foreign militia to fight the theocratic brutes of the Islamic State's army. It takes an even more special person to realize, a little too late, that his chosen anti-ISIS militia holds a political and religious ideology that's as antithetical to his own as ISIS's.
Report: Taliban Captured an ISIS Leader That Bush Released From Gitmo
Adam Weinstein · 01/28/15 02:56PMThe Taliban, bane of America's post-9/11 Afghanistan operations, said Wednesday that they captured Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim, a renegade insurgent and ex-Guantanamo detainee who was in Afghanistan recruiting for the Islamic State, the latest parry in a messy internecine conflict between violent Islamist regimes.
Bowe Bergdahl Isn't Charged With Desertion, But He's Still Fucked
Adam Weinstein · 01/27/15 03:25PM
Bowe Bergdahl, the eccentric Army enlistee and final Afghanistan P.O.W. whose release from Taliban custody left detractors screaming for his corpse, may face desertion charges soon. Or maybe not. No one knows for certain just yet. But either way, these blogospheric anti-Bergdahl snuff-porn fantasies will be heard, dammit.
Afghan Police Training Base Melts, Makes Good Metaphor for Afghan War
Adam Weinstein · 01/15/15 11:02AM
Investigators this week called the military to task for paying Afghan contractors half a million dollars to construct a training base "made mostly of sand" that melted in the rain four months later, calling the now-demolished project "not only an embarrassment, but, more significantly, a waste of U.S. taxpayers' money."
America's Hot New Ally in the War on Islamic Terror Is Islamic Iran
Adam Weinstein · 12/03/14 12:05PM
One of the original tires on the axis of evil is apparently being swapped out for a more aggressive tread: Iran, that longtime Islamic bogeyman used in bedtime stories to scare Republican children straight, is now bombing the far-more-terrifying Islamic State in an apparent convergence of interests with the U.S.
How Would You Summarize America's Wars?
Adam Weinstein · 11/11/14 09:33AM
"As a senior commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, I lost 80 soldiers," retired three-star general Daniel Bolger writes in today's Times. "As veterans, we tell ourselves it was all worth it." But Bolger points out what we rarely acknowledge on days like today: The stories we tell ourselves, more often than not, are bullshit.
ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Is Either Dead or Alive
Adam Weinstein · 11/10/14 12:25PMErik Prince Blames Blackwater Murders On Lefties
Adam Weinstein · 10/28/14 04:51PMOld White Men Show Huge Support for Sending Other People to Fight ISIS
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 11:52AMA new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows more Americans than ever want a ground war to fight ISIS. More Caucasian, Republican, male, senior Americans than ever!
Maybe We're Just Not Bombing ISIS Indiscriminately Enough
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 10:22AM
It's been more than two months since America started dropping laser-guided freedom all over the Islamic State. But for some reason, the flowers of liberty aren't blooming in all those new holes we've dug in Iraq and Syria. Perhaps it's because we should bomb more shit, say two experts in talking about bombing shit.