
Guy at JFK With $19,000 Worth of Coke in His Butt Isn't Fooling Anyone

Adam Weinstein · 05/04/15 10:27AM

In this politically charged atmosphere, we rarely hear of U.S. border-patrol success stories. So let us commend the intrepid customs agents who bravely saved a bevy of junior Goldman VPs from huffing a pound of artisanal taint-roasted blow after it nestled near this nervous flier’s anus.

Dick Cheney: Obama "Worst President" Ever, Wants "to Take America Down"

Adam Weinstein · 04/08/15 03:13PM

Someday, friend-shooting mountain warlord Dick Cheney is going to unzip his skin and Andy Kaufman will leap out. Until then, we can enjoy his slapstick apocalyptic-shaman shtick, like this interview yesterday in which he vacillated "between the various theories" on why Barack Obumbler is so weak and evil.