Texas A&M May Rename Academic Building for D-Student Rick Perry

The regents of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, established 1876, the fourth-largest higher education institution in the United States, meet Thursday to decide whether or not to name the school's most venerated building after Rick Perry, '72, 2.2 GPA, according to the Texas Tribune.
All 10 of A&M's regents were appointed by Perry, including a petroleum CEO, a former ExxonMobil president, an insurance and banking tycoon, and the founder of "the Young Conservatives of Texas at Tarleton State University." They have helped advance his often turbulent efforts to replace traditional professor tenure in the A&M system with contracts for instructors, greater emphasis on student evaluations in teacher retention, and a general business orientation.
For that, the Tribune reports, the regents will likely give Perry a permanent place of honor on campus—a sort of academic tenure, if you will:
According to filing with the secretary of state's office, the regents will vote on whether to rename Texas A&M's generic-sounding Academic Building the "Governor Rick Perry '72 Building." They will also consider a resolution honoring Perry for his "outstanding dedication and service" as the longest-serving governor in Texas history.
The Academic Building, which recently turned 100, is one of its most iconic structures on campus. Formerly the home of the university's library, it now is mostly office space for several academic departments, including sociology and modern languages.
Quite the honor for a forgetful guy who failed organic chem II and got Ds in Shakespeare and "Principles of Economics," but aced "World Military Systems."
Here's the likely future "Governor Rick Perry '72 Building":

And here's Rick Perry's '72 transcript:
Rick Perry's Texas A&M Transcript by huffpost
[Photos: Texas A&M University]