TGI Friday's Dumb "Mistletoe Drone" Nearly Chops Woman's Nose Off
A Brooklyn photographer lost a piece of her nose but gained the holiday spirit, after staff at the famous Sheepshead Bay T.G.I. Friday's mistakenly attacked with her a rotary-wing surveillance aircraft intended to coerce restaurant patrons into making out.
Courier Life photographer Georgine Benvenuto became the latest civilian casualty of an off-target drone strike last Thursday as she was attempting to track the corporate restaurant chain's "mistletoe drones":
The two remote-controlled helicopters dangling sprigs of mistletoe were intended to spread holiday romance, but one of them flew out of control and clipped Courier photographer Georgine Benvenuto in the nose with one of its spinning, uncovered blades.
"It literally chipped off a tip of my nose," said Benvenuto, using tissues to stanch the blood. "It took off part of my nose and cut me here, right under my chin."
Benvenuto said she's just thankful she wasn't blinded in the name of love.
"Thank god it didn't go anywhere under my eye — that is my livelihood."
Here is a pic of Benvenuto after the melee:

Friday's has been attempting to turn St. Nick into a mechanized lecherous Big Brother for several weeks now, deploying its mistletoe drone army across Britain and now the United States. The squadron's sprig-bombardment necessitated an advance scout operation by the company's public affairs machine, which claims no other injuries have occurred in its drone ops and blamed Benvenuto for "flinching" and causing her own injury as the drone approached.
A spokeswoman for Friday's insisted that "we won't let customers touch" the drones as they hovered overhead, trying to normalize kissy-kiss between patrons munching fried tubes of cheese-grease. And the pilot of the fated Brooklyn mistletoe drone, David Quiones, told the Courier that nothing about the hazardous panoptic eatery helicopters possibly convince customers to avoid the restaurant. "If people get hurt, they're going to come regardless. People get hurt in airplanes, they still fly," he said. "There is a risk involved—anything flying, there is risk."
Indeed. Life has risks, whether you are trying to find a through flight to Detroit on standby in ice storms to see your Nana because, like mom says, it might be her last Christmas this year, or whether you are trying to determine if a cold spinach dip and peppermint mudslide are worth the public humiliation and potential ear-laceration a corporate face-suck-enforcement drone can provide with your $40 lunch check. Eat with confidence, people of Friday's.