The Billionaire Who Built the Glock Handgun Is a Filthy Sex Machine

Perhaps we didn't need a former VP of the U.S.'s biggest handgun manufacturer to tell us that the old coot running the company "spends money on mistresses, on houses, on sex, on cars. He bribes people. He's just a bad guy." Still, new court filings tell us how entertainingly horrible he and his family really are.
Helga Glock, who co-founded the $400 million-a-year gunmaking conglomerate in 1963 with then-husband Gaston Glock Sr., says in a new lawsuit that Gaston—now 85—is a slutty dirtbag who, in addition to ditching Helga for his nurse after a stroke in 2008, cut their children and grandkids out of the business, used shell companies to hide half a billion dollars in assets from his now-ex-wife, and consorted with women around the globe.
The 350-page RICO complaint—filed in Atlanta, where Glock's U.S. operations are based—paints Gaston Glock as a King Lear type so dirty that he once was almost murdered by a key partner in his multimillion-dollar embezzlement efforts, a fact he managed to keep hidden from his wife. The Daily Beast reports:
According to the court filing, Gaston Glock Sr. carried out his schemes by paying himself inappropriate royalties; setting up a network of sham international companies from Bermuda to Hong Kong; laundering money through phony companies, leases, and loans; and paying Glock-owned companies that provided neither services or products...
Meanwhile, Glock entertained clients and associates with lavish dinners and visits to a since-closed strip club, Atlanta's Gold Club, Mrs. Glock's complaint states. Glock used those strippers to represent the company at trade shows and flew them around on the corporate jet.
The complaint further alleges that Glock had a personal slush fund that he used to "cavort with women around the world." One sham corporation was allegedly set up for the sole purpose of owning homes "to house and entertain his metro-Atlanta-based paramours."
The filing did not state whether Glock was capable of firing or reloading rapidly.