This Texas Open-Carry Activist Says He's Ready to Kill Legislators

The Texas Legislature just cleared residents to legally carry guns on school campuses, and it's readying legislation to legalize open carry everywhere in the state. But the pace of its reforms is tyrannically slow, according to longtime gun activist Kory Watkins, and in a new video, he says if lawmakers don't speed up, they may face death.
Watkins—who runs the controversial Open Carry Tarrant County group, labeled too extreme even by the NRA for its antics—already took the video down from his own Facebook page, according to the Houston Chronicle. But the vertically shot phone video of Watkins in an apparent stupor remains available on an activist's YouTube page:
In the four-minute clip, Watkins explains how he believes Texas' new expansions of gun rights to schools and open carry are, in fact, hallmarks of tyranny and treason, and it might be time to put those alleged traitors to death. It's worth quoting at length; emphasis added:
Last week we got to see the games of the legislators… they tested us last week, and they're already doing it again this week… Now it's "Oh, well, open carry with a license, we'll pass. But not so sure about constitutional carry." You see, they gave us the low hanging fruit and then they said, 'Well, maybe open carry. We'll give them a maybe on this one and see if they go away."
Texans, are you gonna go away? Are you gonnna settle for the low hanging fruit that your masters are putting on the tree for you? Or are you gonna to the top of the tree and grab that fruit at the top? Constitutional carry? That fruit's looking pretty sweet. They don't wanna give it to us. But it's up to us how bad we want it, to go get it…
Texans, I'm tired of jackin' around. I'm tired of playing politically correct games. I'm tired of saying "Well, this is chess, and we gotta take this slowly." No no no no. This isn't a game. This is reality. And these are our rights that they're playing with. Okay? And I don't know if they forgot what their duty is but it's to protect the Constitution. And lemme remind you. Going against the Constitution is treason. And my friend, that is punishable by death. That's how serious this is…
I don't think they wanna mess with us too much longer. They better start giving us our rights, or this peaceful non-cooperation stuff is gonna be, uh, gamed up. We're gonna step it up a notch. I think here in Texas we're tired of jackin' around with people in suits who think that they can take away freedoms in the name of safety…
You don't have a right to bear arms in Texas. Nope. You gotta ask your master and you gotta pay a tax. Yeah. That's your free country for ya, keep singing the Star-Spangled banner and the national anthem, hope that makes everybody feel real good. Go watch Honey Boo Boo…
I wanna put my foot— I wanna put more than my foot in that door. We should be doing way more than that. We should be demanding these people give us our rights back, or it's punishable by death. Treason. You understand how serious this is, Texas? We need to start sticking more than foots [sic] in doors. Okay? This is treason against the American people. You don't sell my rights back to me, you're gonna find trouble.
Watkins, who made an abortive congressional run as a "Liberty Republican" last year, has been a controversial figure for his publicly confrontational behavior in the ongoing open carry saga in Texas, criticized even by others in the gun-rights community. He made headlines during the legislative debate on campus carry last week, when he told Rep. Pancho Nevarez in his office that "you won't be here very long, bro." Nevarez told the Chronicle that he now travels with a security detail.
Though it's not stated in his video, part of Watkins' anger over Texas' proposed open carry law is that it would bar him from obtaining a carry license, because he's been arrested for interfering with a police officer—a disqualifying factor.
He's been called "most effective campaigner for gun control in Texas" and "a cop-hating anarchist" by Bob Owens, editor of the popular gun site Bearing In a recent post titled "Stop 'Helping' Us, Kory Watkins," Owens ridiculed the activist's tactics:
Watkins is one of the knuckleheads that thinks slinging an AK across your back and walking into a store filled with families doing their grocery shopping is going to somehow to normalize or acclimate people to firearms, instead of generating the much more likely response of, "who is this idiot, and what are his intentions? Is he a threat to my family?"
It's to their credit that many gun-rights activists have drawn a line in the sand and set themselves apart from increasingly erratic fringe activists like Watkins. Unfortunately, their efforts don't extend to guaranteeing that he isn't armed and dangerous in the future.