Washington Post Says Homeland Is the Most Racist Show on TV

Not to be a killjoy, but nobody really imagined Homeland, a show about Muslims doing evil terrorism things in the United States, would be racially and culturally forward-looking. A new rant says it's the most racist thing on TV. But I bet we can do worse.
It's easy to agree with Laura Durkay's lefty critique of the Showtime series in the Washington Post—note, her post's headline calls the show the "most bigoted" on TV, though a Post editor has also used the "most racist" superlative. Anyway, she writes:
Since its first episode, "Homeland," which returns Sunday, has churned out Islamophobic stereotypes as if its writers were getting paid by the cliché… the show is riddled with basic errors about Islam and the Middle East… More broadly, "Homeland" carelessly traffics in absurd and damaging stereotypes.
It's also easy to ask: Okay yeah sheeeeuure, but really, the most racist thing on television? The visual-motion medium that brought us:
The Iron Sheik:
Triumph of the Will:
and an entire Palin-themed channel?
My question to you is: What's really the most racist or just generally shitty and offensive thing you've seen on TV or in film lately? Drop it in the comments.