FBI Admits It Uses Fake Companies to Fly Surveillance Over U.S. Cities
Adam Weinstein · 06/02/15 11:05AMMeet the Elite U.S.-Trained Special Forces Chief Who Just Joined ISIS
Adam Weinstein · 05/28/15 04:17PMWhite Lunatic Arrested For Terrorizing Kindly Muslim Couple at Gunpoint
Adam Weinstein · 05/28/15 11:40AMMajida and Adly Abumayaleh were just driving across their suburban Minneapolis-area neighborhood on a Friday night to get their teen son from a party. Until a self-appointed watchwoman, Nancy Kay Knoble, decided they might be agents of international jihad and grabbed a rifle.
Israel-Hating Obama to Sell Israel $1.9 Billion Worth of Bombs
Adam Weinstein · 05/21/15 11:29AM
Leading Sharia shaykh and Muslim Brother-in-chief Barack Obama, who fiendishly vowed to “reassess” the United States’ special relationship with Israel, has finally laid bare his plans to kill the vulnerable Jewish state and its fragile democracy: He will choke it to death with billions in new bombs and missiles.
Saudi Arabia Seeks 8 New Executioners For All These Dang Beheadings
Adam Weinstein · 05/18/15 02:39PMShit is tough for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You gotta sell the oil, keep it chummy with the United States, and also prove you deserve to run things around the holiest sites for all Muslims. Which means you gotta be holier than thou. Which means you gotta get more sword-happy head-cutter-offers.
John Bolton Doesn't Wanna Be the President of You Weak-Ass Nancies
Adam Weinstein · 05/14/15 12:34PMRemember When a U.S. Terror Ally Massacred 1,000 People and We Shrugged?
Adam Weinstein · 05/13/15 12:39PM
Ten years ago today, in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, a mass of people gathered to protest arrests and violence by state police. Authorities shot at least 1,000 to death. The figures remain sketchy, in part because U.S. officials—led by Donald Rumsfeld—opposed an investigation of a valued partner in the war on terror.
Pentagon Workers Used DOD Credit Cards For Sexy Times With Vegas Escorts
Adam Weinstein · 05/07/15 11:57AMTweeting Heroes Catch Feds' Surveillance Planes Spying on Baltimore
Adam Weinstein · 05/06/15 11:30AM
Last week, we told you about the Department of Homeland Security’s “fusion center” in Baltimore and its ability to spy on Baltimore during the city’s unrest. But where would it get its info? Thanks to a few enterprising Twitter users, we have one possible answer: nondescript spy planes circling the city.
Guy at JFK With $19,000 Worth of Coke in His Butt Isn't Fooling Anyone
Adam Weinstein · 05/04/15 10:27AMNaval Hovercraft Wipes Out Kayaker Off Florida Coast
Adam Weinstein · 04/27/15 12:40PMRand Paul Will Gay-Marry a Drone If That's What You Really Want, America
Adam Weinstein · 04/27/15 09:30AMDang, Penn and Teller Look Like Shit These Days
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 12:38PMHere's a Treasury of Dick Cheney Creeper Shots, Courtesy of the AP
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 09:54AMRemember When Bush and Cheney Fought Over Bombing Iran?
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 09:52AM
There was Dick Cheney, as always, arguing that the only way to deal with Iran was to bomb it back to 1953. But President George W. Bush, on the unanimous advice of his generals, decided such a campaign would be a disaster—and Cheney began an end run that’s working wonders with today’s top Republicans.
Mike Huckabee Tells Patriots: Don't Join Military Until Obama's Gone
Adam Weinstein · 04/20/15 01:16PM
In 2007, folksy war addict Mike Huckabee told Meet the Press viewers that it’s dangerous “to oppose a sitting commander in chief while we’ve got people being shot at on the ground.” But it’s election time! So now, willing Americans, stay out of the military until you have a commander in chief that pleases Huck.
Dumb Marco Rubio Has a Dumb Plan to Expand Gitmo, Torture More Folks
Adam Weinstein · 04/15/15 12:58PM
Desperate to stand apart from the pack and court soccer moms with a thirst for waterboarding, future presidential also-ran Marco Rubio staked out a remarkable policy position on day one of his campaign: He'd grow the detainee population at Guantánamo and "aggressively" pump prisoners for intelligence.
Update: Tom Cotton Is Not Real
Adam Weinstein · 04/13/15 10:39AM
Last week, we posed a question. This week, we have an answer: "Senator Tom Cotton," Republican of Arkansas, is in fact not a natural human organism, but a hybrid experiment in which the brain of German general Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff has been grafted onto the frame of a pugnacious giraffe.
Bush Officials Screwed Up FBI's Case Against Blackwater, Emails Show
Adam Weinstein · 04/13/15 09:19AM
Why did it take the federal government so long to prosecute the Blackwater contractors who shot up a Baghdad square in 2007, killing and maiming scores of Iraqis? Because investigators were trying to wait out the Bush administration, which wanted to go easy on the killers, recently unearthed documents show.