GOP Gives Out Phone Number of Rival Candidate's Ailing 91-Year-Old Mom

John Fisher is running for the Michigan House* as a Democrat. In a recent mailer, the Michigan Republican Party told voters to call a number for Fisher and express their displeasure over his support for Obamacare. The number went to Fisher's elderly mother's hospice, where she's undergoing heart treatment.
The mailers, which were paid for by the Michigan Republican Party, urge voters to call John Fisher, a candidate for the 61st state House District, and "Tell him hard-working Michiganders are being hurt by Obamacare and the health care policies (Democrats) support."...
The number is registered under Fisher's name, but is a direct line to his mother's room at Tendercare Portage, where Isabel Kramb is currently receiving hospice care for congestive heart failure, said Fisher's campaign manager David Topping.
In a gloating press release, Fisher—a 64-year-old pastor—said he's been all for Republicans telling voters to call him in the past, "which worked to my advantage, because most people agree with me that policies that improve life for families and seniors are good for Michigan." But calling up his 91-year-old mom in the home was just not cool.
"I am disgusted that Republicans are recklessly bullying my mother when she needs rest and quiet the most, but she is not the only senior in Michigan whose life has been disrupted because of them," Fisher added.
*I initially incorrectly identified Fisher as a candidate for Senate.