Here's a Treasury of Dick Cheney Creeper Shots, Courtesy of the AP
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 09:54AMRemember When Bush and Cheney Fought Over Bombing Iran?
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 09:52AM
There was Dick Cheney, as always, arguing that the only way to deal with Iran was to bomb it back to 1953. But President George W. Bush, on the unanimous advice of his generals, decided such a campaign would be a disaster—and Cheney began an end run that’s working wonders with today’s top Republicans.
Mike Huckabee Tells Patriots: Don't Join Military Until Obama's Gone
Adam Weinstein · 04/20/15 01:16PM
In 2007, folksy war addict Mike Huckabee told Meet the Press viewers that it’s dangerous “to oppose a sitting commander in chief while we’ve got people being shot at on the ground.” But it’s election time! So now, willing Americans, stay out of the military until you have a commander in chief that pleases Huck.
Ted Cruz's Bid to Be Some Guy's Veep Pick Is Going Swimmingly
Adam Weinstein · 04/01/15 10:59AMSenator "Duped" Into Using Old Photos to Promote New War With Russia
Adam Weinstein · 02/12/15 05:05PM
This afternoon, the Washington Free Beacon published EXCLUSIVE photos, obtained by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), that purportedly showed new Russian aggression in Ukraine and vindicated Inhofe's case for U.S. intervention. Apparently, neither Inhofe's staff nor the Beacon bothered with a Google reverse image search.
Boehner Faces Challenge From Tea Party Weirdos, and Also Louie Gohmert
Adam Weinstein · 01/05/15 12:25PMConservatives Seize on Racist's Bullshit Story to Defend Congressman
Adam Weinstein · 01/02/15 11:37AM
Slate was itching to issue a Slatey take on this week's news that Republicans' House majority whip spoke at a white supremacists' hootenanny in 2002. So the site published a contrarian account, quickly praised by right wing pundits, based on the rantings of one local man who concealed his ties to the racist group.
David Duke Claims to Have Met With Other Pols, Threatens to Name Names
Adam Weinstein · 12/30/14 12:15PMNo. 3 GOP House Member: Sure, I Spoke at That White Supremacist Rally
Adam Weinstein · 12/29/14 05:00PMRich White Guy Who Knows a Guy Plans to Run For President
Adam Weinstein · 12/16/14 11:25AMAmericans Who Just Voted for the GOP Blame Everything on the GOP
Adam Weinstein · 12/01/14 01:19PMIs Ron Paul in Big, Big Legal Trouble?
Adam Weinstein · 11/18/14 05:35PMReport: Republicans Used Fake Twitter Accounts to Skirt Election Laws
Adam Weinstein · 11/17/14 11:18AM
First, the good news: After years of being really, really, really bad at Internet, the Republicans may have finally figured out how to use the web smartly. The bad news: They did it, predictably, for evil and probably broke federal laws against coordination between campaigns and outside money groups.
Republican C-SPAN Caller Says Elections Were About "That Nigger Obama"
Adam Weinstein · 11/06/14 11:53AMA Republican caller to C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" program warned his fellow GOPers not to get too extreme in the wake of their electoral victories Tuesday—which, he added, were all "about race" because "Republicans hate that nigger Obama."
Who Has One Thumb and Strong Opinions About Mitch McConnell?
Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 03:30PMWho Did You Vote For Today?
Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 11:11AMThe Gawker Voter's Exhaustive Guide to the 2014 Midterm Elections
Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 08:00AM
Voting sucks. Off-year voting sucks the worst. Like Valentine's, Election Day 2014 seems less a heartfelt chance to express preferences than a mandate to give one's limited purchasing options a whiff of will and legitimacy. You can be forgiven for apathy. But you still must make some choices. Here's some info to help.
GOP Rallies Florida Voters by Calling Campus Rape Culture a "Lie"
Adam Weinstein · 10/30/14 10:30AM
Florida Republicans organized a get-out-the-vote rally in Sarasota Tuesday night to help tip a tight governor's race in conservative Rick Scott's favor. First, the 700 ralliers heard from Bobby Jindal. Then, they applauded a right-wing radio host who called rape culture "nonsense" from "the feminist left."