Navy SEAL Who Claims He Shot Bin Laden Will Reveal Himself on Fox News

A member of the secretive, all-about-the business special operations team that killed Osama bin Laden will participate in an upcoming Fox News Channel documentary and explain how it was him who fired the shots that killed the Al Qaeda leader.
"The Shooter" will also explain "what happened when [bin Laden] took his last breath," according to a press release posted this afternoon on Fox News Insider, "The Official Blog of Fox News Channel":
The two-night presentation will feature an exclusive interview with the Navy SEAL who says he fired the shots that killed terrorist leader Usama Bin Laden. In the special, he describes the events leading up to and during the historical raid that took place on May 1st, 2011.
Revealing his identity and speaking out publicly for the first time, the Navy SEAL, also known as "The Shooter," will share his story of training to be a member of America's elite fighting force and explain his involvement in Operation Neptune Spear, the mission that killed Bin Laden.
Fox promised that the documentary, which airs November 11 and 12, also offers a glimpse at a "secret ceremony" in which Mr. The Shooter "donated the shirt he was wearing during the mission to the National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York City," pictured above.
Gawker could not immediately confirm rumors that the SEAL is in fact Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, Légion d'Honneur, and five-time Purple Heart recipient Petty Officer 1st Class Sweeney "Marine" Todd, who since his final tour of duty has been an Olympic pentathlete, lay preacher, and student of theology and American awesomeness at Every State U.
[Photo credit: AP Images]