James O'Keefe Wannabe "Exposes" Michael Brown's Instagram

Adam Weinstein · 09/05/14 11:14AM

If Andrew Breitbart injected a Chia Pet with ginger and turkey fat, then died before he could bring it in out of the sun, the resulting mass would grow up to become Chuck C. Johnson. The right-wing provocateur gave America a race-baiting level-up Thursday by releasing pics from Michael Brown's social media.

Let's Look at These Slavery-Inspired #EconomistBookReviews, Shall We?

Adam Weinstein · 09/04/14 06:31PM

So a Cornell historian wrote a book about how slavery, rather than God, the Marlboro Man or Vince Lombardi, fueled America's capitalist development. But did you ever consider how nice some slaveowners were, Mr. Historian? Your Economist book reviewer did, and now he's getting torched on Twitter.

No, That Bloody Hospital Pic Going Around Isn't Darren Wilson

Adam Weinstein · 09/04/14 05:46PM

Was Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson beaten severely before shooting Michael Brown to death? We don't know for certain. But thanks to Hudson Hongo over at Antiviral, we definitely know this photo making the social media rounds isn't him.

L.A. Times Reporter Basically Let the CIA Edit His Stories on the CIA

Adam Weinstein · 09/04/14 03:16PM

As media evolves, many journalists are looking for new ways to improve efficiency. For instance, Ken Dilanian—current AP reporter and former L.A. Times writer—often lets his sources at the Central Intelligence Agency exercise editorial control over stories about them.

Who's Intercepting Your Phone Calls Around Military Bases?

Adam Weinstein · 09/03/14 05:08PM

I'll admit I know next to nothing about cell-phone intercept technology, but this post by Matthew Phelan over on Black Bag is pretty creepy. Which, by the way, if you're not reading him on a regular basis, consider starting.

Congressman Unveils Bill to Make War In Iraq, Everywhere Else Forever

Adam Weinstein · 09/03/14 01:11PM

Perhaps out of legitimate fears over ISIS's increasing power among civilians in the Middle East and jihadists far beyond, or perhaps just because it's an election year, one Republican congressman has unveiled legislation to declare a ceaseless war against at least six terrorist groups in multiple countries.

If Putin Sends These Guys to Ukraine, It's Game Over

Adam Weinstein · 09/03/14 11:02AM

I can only assume the U.S. intelligence community has assets monitoring Russian dashboard camera uploads. How else are defense planners supposed to know about the new Spongebob threat? And let's not think about what happens if Ivan manages to stick a caterpillar drive on that autobus.

Watch This Sheep Fuck Up a Drone

Adam Weinstein · 09/02/14 02:48PM

Ready for a mental health break? Me, too. Our old friend Pareene is classing up the walls with a bucket of hot guest-blogging over at Andrew Sullivan's joint this week, and he shares this video that he assures us will definitively settle the great drone debate.

Why Is the U.S. Air Force Ordering Tents for an Airstrip in Niger?

Adam Weinstein · 09/02/14 11:18AM

U.S. forces are attacking ISIS fighters in Iraq and Al-Shabaab in Somalia. But today's surest sign that the Obama administration is widening the endless War On Terror™ may be an Air Force bid for 18 tan canvas tents, to be shipped to an airbase in Niamey, Niger.

What's Your Strategy for Messing With the "Islamic State"?

Adam Weinstein · 09/02/14 09:59AM

Barack Obama talked to the media last week about U.S. action against the Islamic State and went off-script, saying offhand that the U.S. didn't have a strategy yet for defeating the fundamentalist dirtbags muscling in on Iraq. But what would a good strategy look like? How do you solve a problem like Sharia?

Maybe We'll Have a War in Somalia Now, or Just Keep Quietly Bombing It

Adam Weinstein · 09/02/14 08:41AM

Pentagon officials announced over the weekend that they'd executed some kind of an air-strike operation against members of Al-Shabaab, an Islamist militant group in Somalia, because apparently defense planners are really used to multitasking at this point, and it feels weird now to just bomb one thing, you know?