Adam Weinstein · 09/11/14 09:22AM
Vancouver Officials Take Down Statue of Satan With a Monster Penis
Adam Weinstein · 09/10/14 03:39PMJail May Ban Visitations, Install Pay-Videophones for Fun and Profit
Adam Weinstein · 09/10/14 02:41PMAdam Weinstein · 09/10/14 02:08PM
Realizing Lifelong Dream, Dick Cheney Is Greeted as Liberator in U.S.
Adam Weinstein · 09/10/14 11:40AMHere's What a Reporter Saw Inside a SWAT Expo Before He Got Booted Out
Adam Weinstein · 09/09/14 04:21PMGeorgia Lawmaker Vows to End Early Voting Because Blacks Vote That Way
Adam Weinstein · 09/09/14 12:28PMAdam Weinstein · 09/09/14 10:54AM
President Obama will address the nation in prime time Wednesday evening to lay out his strategy to fight the Islamic State. Combating the group has become a high priority since its brutal staged executions of two Americans. Coincidentally, Missouri and Texas have prisoner executions scheduled for Wednesday night.
Adam Weinstein · 09/09/14 10:25AM
New UMD Uniform Will Renew Your Faith in Football, America, Explosions
Adam Weinstein · 09/09/14 10:10AMISIS-Linked Extremists Vow to Assassinate Twitter Employees
Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 04:59PM
Demonstrating all the alacrity of a scorned online fedora-enthusiast and all the civility of—well, of a murderous jihadi—a social media account connected to allies of the Islamic State has issued calls to kill Twitter employees for trying to stamp out radicals' accounts on the popular social service.
Right-Wing Navy SEAL Arrested For Lying That a Black Mob Shot Him
Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 03:02PMOne thing's for sure: On the evening of March 31, 2014, Chris Heben—former Navy SEAL, American patriot, and purveyor of motivational workout videos and t-shirts—drove himself to a fire station with a gunshot to his abdomen. Everything else, though, is bullshit.
Cops Are Sorry They Keep Losing Cool Guns That the Military Gives Them
Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 12:57PMShut the Fuck Up, Victor Davis Hanson
Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 11:47AMWant to Do Some War in Iraq? The U.S. Is Hiring Contractors Again
Adam Weinstein · 09/08/14 10:06AMWaPo Columnist: Stop Spending on Health Care, We Need to Blow Shit Up
Adam Weinstein · 09/05/14 05:08PMIlliterate Oklahoma Republicans Defend Their Illiterate Idea of Islam
Adam Weinstein · 09/05/14 03:13PMA Republican Oklahoma lawmaker and his state party chairman would like you to know that all Muslims want to enslave or kill you. I would like you to know just how far below grade level these patriotic statesmen's reading, writing and speaking abilities are.