Satanists Made a Coloring Book for Public Schoolkids, and It's Not Bad

Just in time for Halloween, the Satanic Temple is pushing Orlando-area public schools to distribute a Beelzebub-oriented coloring book to the kiddies, who already get Bibles from a local megachurch and conservative lobby group. The crazy thing is, the Satanists have made a pretty decent coloring book.
The coloring book (see the coloring book here) features cartoon children performing Satanic rituals and drawing pentragrams in school, along with a word search for words like "acceptance" and "friends" and a maze to reach the Necronmicon, a fabled occult spellbook. The children in the book wear Satanic symbols on their shirts and spread anti-bullying and religious tolerance messages. A coloring page features a girl reading in a study filled with Satanic art, books and symbols. A connect-the-dots sheet creates a pentagram.

Perhaps it's no surprise that Satanists exhibit humor, irony, and decent production value. Especially considering that their prime targets are probably the older kids in the 19 Orange County high schools who are already given copies of the NIV Bible by the World Changers of Florida and the Florida Family Policy Council.
That latter group's leader openly told the Sentinel in January that the Bible-distribution program is intended "as a way to expose children to Christianity" in hopes that it will "lead to a fundamental change in the condition of a student's heart."
For their part, the Satanists say if there's religious heart-changin' going on in public schools, all religious heart-changers should get an equal shot at the sheep:
"To be sure, if our materials are consistent with their standards, they can't simply deny our literature because of its religious viewpoint," said a Satanic Temple spokesman who goes by the name Lucien Greaves.