Vets' PTSD Counseling Was Canceled for "Mental Illness Awareness Week"
Adam Weinstein · 10/27/14 01:15PMArmy Quarantines Ebola-Fighting General
Adam Weinstein · 10/27/14 12:00PMOld White Men Show Huge Support for Sending Other People to Fight ISIS
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 11:52AMA new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows more Americans than ever want a ground war to fight ISIS. More Caucasian, Republican, male, senior Americans than ever!
Maybe We're Just Not Bombing ISIS Indiscriminately Enough
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 10:22AM
It's been more than two months since America started dropping laser-guided freedom all over the Islamic State. But for some reason, the flowers of liberty aren't blooming in all those new holes we've dug in Iraq and Syria. Perhaps it's because we should bomb more shit, say two experts in talking about bombing shit.
NYT: U.S. Troops Got Untreated Illnesses From Iraqi Chemical Weapons
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 09:12PM
In bunkers now held by ISIS militants, and sometimes in streets emptied by bomb threats, scores of American service members secretly helped find and dispose of Saddam Hussein's aging chemical weapons. Now stateside, many troops are sick with mystery ailments the military has at times tried to conceal.
Your ISIS Goat-Fucking Drone Video: Not ISIS, Not a Goat, Not a Drone
Adam Weinstein · 10/09/14 12:38PMEven Jimmy Carter Thinks Obama Is Weak in the Middle East Now
Adam Weinstein · 10/08/14 03:47PMWe Will End the War With ISIS When We Redefine "War" and "ISIS"
Adam Weinstein · 10/08/14 01:27PMWar Reenactors Swear Suspected Cop-Killing Prepper Is "Not One of Us"
Adam Weinstein · 10/07/14 11:37AMArmy Gives Lifetime Achievement Award to Noted 9/11 and Iraq Fuck-Up
Adam Weinstein · 10/07/14 11:07AMHere Are Five More Female Pilots Fox News Should Highlight
Crispin Burke · 10/03/14 10:26AMIraq Claims Our Subways Are Going to Be Attacked, Maybe
Adam Weinstein · 09/25/14 11:24AMMore Irony From the Pro-NSA Spying Analyst Who Got Caught Dick-Texting
Adam Weinstein · 09/24/14 04:11PMThirsty Uber Seeks the Fresh Blood of Military Veterans
Adam Weinstein · 09/17/14 03:56PM
Uber, the smartphone-based succubus that's driving taxis to extinction (but isn't really driving disabled people anywhere), is branching out to military vets and their loved ones. They want vet drivers, vet riders and most importantly, several well-placed executives in the federal defense establishment.