The Department of Homeland Security Is Still Stupid and Pointless
Adam Weinstein · 01/14/15 02:48PM
Congressional Republicans, who 13 long years ago helped create a dumb massive federal "homeland security" bureaucracy, vowed this week that they'll keep it operating only if Barack Obama takes a harder line on immigrants to America. There's a simple solution here: Keep immigration open, and let the bureaucracy wither.
Ollie North's Nonprofit Honors War Heroes By Letting Them Murder Doves
Adam Weinstein · 01/05/15 03:36PM
Freedom Alliance is dedicated to freedom. Which means it's dedicated to our amazing combat veterans. Which means it invites those veterans, especially the ones spooked by "loud noises and crowds," to hunt doves, the universal symbol of peace and spirituality, and shoot dozens of the delicate winged creatures to death.
Boehner Faces Challenge From Tea Party Weirdos, and Also Louie Gohmert
Adam Weinstein · 01/05/15 12:25PMConservatives Seize on Racist's Bullshit Story to Defend Congressman
Adam Weinstein · 01/02/15 11:37AM
Slate was itching to issue a Slatey take on this week's news that Republicans' House majority whip spoke at a white supremacists' hootenanny in 2002. So the site published a contrarian account, quickly praised by right wing pundits, based on the rantings of one local man who concealed his ties to the racist group.
David Duke Claims to Have Met With Other Pols, Threatens to Name Names
Adam Weinstein · 12/30/14 12:15PMNo. 3 GOP House Member: Sure, I Spoke at That White Supremacist Rally
Adam Weinstein · 12/29/14 05:00PMHero Soldiers Forced to Move Their Wedding So Obama Could Play Golf
Adam Weinstein · 12/29/14 12:10PM
We live in a world with walls. And those walls have to be guarded. Who's gonna do it? You, Barracks Hussain Obummer? Of course not. You can't even extend the slightest of courtesies to America's Guardians™ when their love stands, like a wall, between you and your dumb 16th-hole sextuple-bogey play-through.
Rich White Guy Who Knows a Guy Plans to Run For President
Adam Weinstein · 12/16/14 11:25AMWell-Paid Torture Apologist Has Wrongest Take Ever on Torture's Upside
Adam Weinstein · 12/15/14 05:06PM
Glistening war dome Eli Lake, late of Bloomberg Politics, just can't stand that hand-wringing Senate report about torture being bad and ineffective. So he turned it upside down and tried to read it all backwards-like, and it turns out torture is super good at helping Americans, maybe, possibly. That'll be $275,000, please!
This CIA Torturer's $1.3 Million House Sure Looks Nice
Adam Weinstein · 12/15/14 05:05PM
This is a "Custom-Contemporary Cape Cod on 5 wooded acres" in Great Falls, Virginia, zoned for Langley High School. It's 4,240 square feet, has lovely features inside and out, and is really just a dream. For you. But it's just one of several homes that one CIA officer managed to own with all the money he made as a torturer.
Adam Weinstein · 12/15/14 03:19PM
A Dozen Sailors Involved in Plot to Video Women in Submarine's Showers
Adam Weinstein · 12/12/14 12:09PMOpen-Carry Gun Activist Arrested for Killing Husband and Stepdaughter
Adam Weinstein · 12/11/14 02:20PMYour Guide to CIA Torture and Its Sick, Sad American Apologists
Adam Weinstein · 12/09/14 12:37PMAmerica's Hot New Ally in the War on Islamic Terror Is Islamic Iran
Adam Weinstein · 12/03/14 12:05PM
One of the original tires on the axis of evil is apparently being swapped out for a more aggressive tread: Iran, that longtime Islamic bogeyman used in bedtime stories to scare Republican children straight, is now bombing the far-more-terrifying Islamic State in an apparent convergence of interests with the U.S.
Americans Who Just Voted for the GOP Blame Everything on the GOP
Adam Weinstein · 12/01/14 01:19PM9 Reasons Michele Bachmann Is a Perfect Fit for Buzzfeed
Adam Weinstein · 12/01/14 12:44PMDisabled Female Minority Voter Gets Disenfranchised by Democrats
Adam Weinstein · 11/19/14 04:00PM
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) sacrificed her legs in Iraq when a rocket hit the helicopter she was piloting. But Nancy Pelosi is unwilling to make any sacrifices for Duckworth's sake, and so the war veteran is losing the right to vote for her party's congressional leadership along with her 200 peers.