
White Lunatic Arrested For Terrorizing Kindly Muslim Couple at Gunpoint

Adam Weinstein · 05/28/15 11:40AM

Majida and Adly Abumayaleh were just driving across their suburban Minneapolis-area neighborhood on a Friday night to get their teen son from a party. Until a self-appointed watchwoman, Nancy Kay Knoble, decided they might be agents of international jihad and grabbed a rifle.

No. 3 GOP House Member: Sure, I Spoke at That White Supremacist Rally

Adam Weinstein · 12/29/14 05:00PM

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), a rising star in the national Republican Party, confirmed reports Monday on the neo-Nazi website Stormfront that he had presented at a 2002 white supremacist conference organized by KKK bigwig and ex-Republican legislator David Duke.

Judge: S.C. Erred in Convicting, Executing Black 14-Year-Old in 1944

Adam Weinstein · 12/17/14 04:10PM

George Stinney Jr., 14, pictured above, was the youngest person put to death in the United States in the 20th century. But a judge in South Carolina voided his conviction Wednesday, saying the youth didn't get a fair trial when he was convicted of killing two white girls in the Jim Crow South.

A History of Thugs

Adam Weinstein · 12/10/14 09:00AM

Civilization is imperiled. Demonic dark-skinned criminals exult in seizing property and security. Only a vanguard of brave uniformed officers can take them off the streets and restore order. It is 1835, and whites are finally confronting what Mark Twain will soon call "the satanic brotherhood of the Thugs."

Dumb Racists Photoshop Ferguson Protester Into Awful Viral Meme

Adam Weinstein · 12/03/14 12:55PM

Jermell Hasson spent his summer sleeping in a parking lot in Ferguson to join the protests over Michael Brown's shooting by police. Hasson's reward was to become racist America's favorite meme, after a doctored image of him was shared thousands of times across the internet's dark, sticky id-corners.

MTV Documentary Seeks Subjects to Discuss the Hardships of Being White

Adam Weinstein · 11/18/14 11:16AM

"We know it can be hard to talk about race, especially when you are white," the solicitation reads. "MTV is trying something different, a documentary exploring the ideas, experiences and attitudes of young, white Americans around race. We think its [sic] time to think."

Ferguson Cop Supporters Crowdfunded a "Pants Up, Don't Loot" Billboard

Adam Weinstein · 11/17/14 12:05PM

Spurred on by a Tennessee resident who is concerned about the Ferguson protesters and their catchy chants, supporters of police officer Darren Wilson have donated more than enough money to post a billboard in the heart of the St. Louis suburb reading "#PantsUPDontLoot."

Montanans Not Sure About This Plan for a Racially Diverse KKK Chapter

Adam Weinstein · 11/06/14 12:30PM

If congressional Republicans can win over the same electorate that voted for Barack Obama twice, then maybe one of Montana's most notorious white supremacists can drum up interest in his plan for a kindler, gentler Ku Klux Klan that welcomes minorities, Jews, and gays.

Republican C-SPAN Caller Says Elections Were About "That Nigger Obama"

Adam Weinstein · 11/06/14 11:53AM

A Republican caller to C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" program warned his fellow GOPers not to get too extreme in the wake of their electoral victories Tuesday—which, he added, were all "about race" because "Republicans hate that nigger Obama."