Cell Phones Are Ruining Corn Mazes

Adam Weinstein · 11/11/14 01:00PM

America is in the throes of a maize maze malaise: People keep getting lost in corn mazes and calling 911.

Putin Is Down to Fuck

Adam Weinstein · 11/11/14 11:27AM

Vladimir Putin is single again, and he was at this summit yesterday sitting next to the Chinese premier's wife. The bureaucrat behind that seating arrangement is probably already in a concrete cell eating a Makarov sandwich, seeing how Putin tried to convince the first lady that Russian bears need cuddling, too.

How Would You Summarize America's Wars?

Adam Weinstein · 11/11/14 09:33AM

"As a senior commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, I lost 80 soldiers," retired three-star general Daniel Bolger writes in today's Times. "As veterans, we tell ourselves it was all worth it." But Bolger points out what we rarely acknowledge on days like today: The stories we tell ourselves, more often than not, are bullshit.

Montanans Not Sure About This Plan for a Racially Diverse KKK Chapter

Adam Weinstein · 11/06/14 12:30PM

If congressional Republicans can win over the same electorate that voted for Barack Obama twice, then maybe one of Montana's most notorious white supremacists can drum up interest in his plan for a kindler, gentler Ku Klux Klan that welcomes minorities, Jews, and gays.

Republican C-SPAN Caller Says Elections Were About "That Nigger Obama"

Adam Weinstein · 11/06/14 11:53AM

A Republican caller to C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" program warned his fellow GOPers not to get too extreme in the wake of their electoral victories Tuesday—which, he added, were all "about race" because "Republicans hate that nigger Obama."

Here's the Craziest Guy Who Got Elected in Last Night's GOP Beatdown

Adam Weinstein · 11/05/14 04:40PM

You may not know or remember the earlier exploits of Lt. Gordon "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt (USN-Ret.), the new state representative for evangelical wackadoo-heavy Colorado Springs. But let us remind you, because he's probably the most insane of nutso politicians elected last night.

Who Has One Thumb and Strong Opinions About Mitch McConnell?

Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 03:30PM

"A voter gestures as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) votes in the midterm elections at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky," the Getty Images caption reads. That's... accurate as far as it goes. Happy Election Day, Mitch.

Who Did You Vote For Today?

Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 11:11AM

Who and what did you end up voting for? Have any hassles at the polls? Clashes between armed patriots and New Black Panthers? Sick to death about these godawful choices? Give us your experiences/thoughts/photos, from ranty picks to newsworthy voting irregularities.

The Gawker Voter's Exhaustive Guide to the 2014 Midterm Elections

Adam Weinstein · 11/04/14 08:00AM

Voting sucks. Off-year voting sucks the worst. Like Valentine's, Election Day 2014 seems less a heartfelt chance to express preferences than a mandate to give one's limited purchasing options a whiff of will and legitimacy. You can be forgiven for apathy. But you still must make some choices. Here's some info to help.

Rich Donor Heckles Senator: "Fucking Abortion Is All He Talks About"

Adam Weinstein · 11/03/14 03:15PM

Democratic Colorado Sen. Mark Udall's tenuous chance at reelection took a hard blow Sunday after he was cussed out in the middle of a public stump speech by one of his own ultra-wealthy donors because, in the donor's words, "fucking abortion is all he talks about."

The Navy's Top Intel Official Is Banned From Seeing Classified Intel

Adam Weinstein · 11/03/14 02:07PM

The U.S. Navy has a three-star admiral in charge of all its intelligence-gathering and analysis efforts. But for a year, he has been barred by officials from viewing any secret intelligence, essentially making his job moot and leaving the service dead in the water when it comes to gathering critical information.