Washington Post Says Homeland Is the Most Racist Show on TV

Adam Weinstein · 10/02/14 12:13PM

Not to be a killjoy, but nobody really imagined Homeland, a show about Muslims doing evil terrorism things in the United States, would be racially and culturally forward-looking. A new rant says it's the most racist thing on TV. But I bet we can do worse.

Koch Brothers' Political Group Tried to Register a Cat to Vote

Adam Weinstein · 09/26/14 01:39PM

Americans for Prosperity stands for free markets and liberty and against Kenyan socialism and voter fraud. That's why it's so important to AFP to make sure that you and your cat are ready to vote in North Carolina next month.

Rick Perry's Dumber Understudy Claims Islamo-Mexican Prayer Rugs Exist

Adam Weinstein · 09/26/14 01:11PM

David Dewhurst is the lieutenant governor of Texas. Lieutenant is such an emasculating word! He'd rather be a commandante, the kind who'll take care of those prayer rugs ISIS illegals are leaving on the Mexican border, which totally exist and weren't debunked by yours truly two months ago.

Iraq Claims Our Subways Are Going to Be Attacked, Maybe

Adam Weinstein · 09/25/14 11:24AM

In his introduction to the international scene Thursday, Iraq's new prime minister told a gaggle of journalists at the U.N. that his country had discovered an "imminent" attack plot by Islamic State fighters against "subway systems in United States and Paris."

White Evangelicals Are an Oppressed Minority, Say White Evangelicals

Adam Weinstein · 09/24/14 04:12PM

Most Americans believe gays and lesbians face the most discrimination in the U.S., followed closely by Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics, according to a new Pew study. But weird things start happening when you look at, say, how conservative Caucasian proselytizing Protestants feel.

The Washington Post Has Your Correction of the Week

Adam Weinstein · 09/24/14 10:42AM

Yesterday, the Washington Post published an op-ed by a former FBI official who argued, as the headline puts it, that "Apple and Google's new encryption rules will make law enforcement's job much harder." Today, it added an editor's note that suggested precisely the opposite.

Texas Court Affirms Creeps' Right to Take Upskirt Photos

Adam Weinstein · 09/22/14 02:24PM

For the time being, at least, 50-something Ronald Thompson can return to his hobby of "snapping pictures of small children in their swimsuits underwater, without parental permission, at a San Antonio Water Park," because a state court has overturned the law that said he couldn't.

Viral Hate Campaign Used a Photo of an Afghan Women's Rights Hero

Adam Weinstein · 09/22/14 12:19PM

The photo above depicts Malalai Kakar, a pioneering female police officer who aided "victims of domestic violence, rape, and forced marriage" before the Taliban murdered her in 2008. Her photographer was shocked to find conservatives using the image this month in a viral anti-Muslim campaign.

Adam Weinstein · 09/17/14 02:28PM

"Goodman, who lives in Winterport, said he joined the Army because he was 'tired of paying my school loans' and because he wanted to serve his country." There's something really endearing about this soccer coach who almost lost his legs after surviving an IED attack in Afghanistan.