New Batshit Theory: Obama's Ebola Czar Wants to Kill Us All
Adam Weinstein · 10/23/14 11:00AM
Ron Klain, the White House's new "Ebola Czar," is not a doctor. But he is a Democratic staffer. Who once offered a soundbite on the problems of overpopulation in an interview with his college alumni office. Do I have to spell it out for you? Fine. But first, grab some provisions and head to the fallout shelter.
South Carolina Republican Calls Gay Couples "Gremlins"
Adam Weinstein · 10/20/14 01:12PMThe Other 5 Percent Blinked, Shivered a Little, and Then Backed Away
Adam Weinstein · 10/16/14 01:56PMOur American Congress
Adam Weinstein · 10/16/14 01:44PMThe Day the Fan Stood Still: How the Scott-Crist Debate Explains Florida
Adam Weinstein · 10/16/14 11:44AMSouth Carolina Governor Says CEOs Love the Confederate Flag
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 02:13PMLast night, South Carolina's gubernatorial candidates debated how best to convince outsiders that South Carolina is not a backwards shithole. The libertarian—the libertarian!—agreed with the Democrat that ditching the Confederate flag would help. Nikki Haley disagreed, because FREE ENTERPRISE DISAGREES.
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 01:28PMOld White Men Show Huge Support for Sending Other People to Fight ISIS
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 11:52AMA new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows more Americans than ever want a ground war to fight ISIS. More Caucasian, Republican, male, senior Americans than ever!
That's One Way to Go
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 10:55AMMaybe We're Just Not Bombing ISIS Indiscriminately Enough
Adam Weinstein · 10/15/14 10:22AM
It's been more than two months since America started dropping laser-guided freedom all over the Islamic State. But for some reason, the flowers of liberty aren't blooming in all those new holes we've dug in Iraq and Syria. Perhaps it's because we should bomb more shit, say two experts in talking about bombing shit.
NYT: U.S. Troops Got Untreated Illnesses From Iraqi Chemical Weapons
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 09:12PM
In bunkers now held by ISIS militants, and sometimes in streets emptied by bomb threats, scores of American service members secretly helped find and dispose of Saddam Hussein's aging chemical weapons. Now stateside, many troops are sick with mystery ailments the military has at times tried to conceal.
Dutch Biker Gang Is Legally Cleared to Kick Some ISIS Jihadi Ass
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 02:48PMMarine Held Over Murder of Transgender Filipina
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 01:37PMAbortions and Penis Fetishes: Is This the World's Worst Televangelist?
Adam Weinstein · 10/14/14 11:34AM
In the televangelism world, Ernest Angley used to be a big deal, up there with Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart. But the 93-year-old's Grace Cathedral seems quaint and a little creepy now. A new investigation says that might have to do with Angley's weird encroachments into his flock's sexual and reproductive lives.
GOP Rep. Says Congresswoman Will Lose For Being "Ugly as Sin"
Adam Weinstein · 10/13/14 04:53PMSnowden's Early Emails Sum Up Everything Good and Bad About Him
Adam Weinstein · 10/13/14 03:52PMEdward Snowden is a self-sacrificing idealist and a self-important paranoiac. We desperately need more people like him. We should lock him in prison.
"Fat Lesbians Got All the Ebola Dollars," Says Important Conservative
Adam Weinstein · 10/13/14 01:14PMThe Billionaire Who Built the Glock Handgun Is a Filthy Sex Machine
Adam Weinstein · 10/13/14 11:27AM
Perhaps we didn't need a former VP of the U.S.'s biggest handgun manufacturer to tell us that the old coot running the company "spends money on mistresses, on houses, on sex, on cars. He bribes people. He's just a bad guy." Still, new court filings tell us how entertainingly horrible he and his family really are.